Explore legal material from the seventeenth century through the early twentieth century.

Together, the distinct collections that comprise The Making of Modern Law cover nearly every aspect of American and British law and dig deep into the legal traditions of Europe, Latin America, Asia, and other jurisdictions, both classic and contemporary. Encompassing a range of analytical, theoretical, and practical literature, these collections support and complement the traditional study of law by featuring valuable books from the most influential legal writers throughout history.

Download the brochure for The Making of Modern Law to understand how its 12 collections will add to the study of legal history at your institution.

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Term Frequency

It allows researchers to see the frequency of search terms within content sets to identify central themes and assess how people, places, events and ideas interact and develop over time.

Buscador de temas

Esta herramienta agrupa los temas más comunes y revela conexiones ocultas entre los términos de búsqueda, lo que ayuda a dar forma a la investigación integrando contenidos diversos con información relevante.

Búsquedas simultáneas

Busca al mismo tiempo dentro de los productos complementarios de fuentes primarias, incluidos los ebooks, a través de un entorno de búsqueda unificado que posibilita nuevas e innovadoras conexiones de investigación.

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