Gale eBooks not only provides top titles from the best nonfiction publishers, it complements other eBook platforms. Where some deliver a leisure-reading experience, Gale eBooks are optimized for search, discovery, and integration across your library’s educational programs – giving patrons a better learning experience.

And forget those common complaints, such as eBooks are hard to use and require multiple copy purchases. Your single-copy purchase of any eBook means access to everyone, anytime, with no special downloads or apps.


Handpicked eBook Collections

We’ve recently created special collections to help library patrons construct viewpoints on complex issues that are subject for discussion in homes, schools, workplaces, churches, and spaces across communities. Give your patrons the resources to explore issues with a critical eye, through authoritative articles written by subject matter experts who approach a topic from varying angles. Explore our seven collections or speak to your rep about curating your own. 

Want to learn more about these collections? Request pricing >>

Get More for Less with Our eBook Subscription

Expand your eBook offerings, and impact, with the “Best of Gale eBooks” subscription. Public libraries can now subscribe to over 350 of our most-popular eBooks. Users have unlimited, simultaneous access from anywhere with an internet connection. That means no holds, check ins, or check outs required.

This cost-effective collection includes the most-used titles over the last three years plus award-winning new releases such as Disability Experiences: Autobiographies, Memoirs, and Other Personal Narratives.


Look Inside

The Gale eBooks homepage allows users to either browse by subject or search the full catalog.

The search results reveal relevant content at the article and chapter levels for ease of finding information.

The HTML article-view provides an easy browsing experience.

Integrated directly into the user’s workflow formatted citations can be exported to a variety of services and platforms.

Platform Tools & Features

Workflow Tools

Google Workspace for Education and Microsoft Office 365 tools enable users to share, save, and download content—including highlights and notes. Learn More

On-demand Translation

Content can be translated into 40 languages, while the platform itself can be translated into more than 30 languages. ReadSpeaker text-to-speech technology allows audio files to be downloaded and saved onto any mobile device and read aloud in nearly 25 languages. 

Superior Search

Detailed subject indexing allows users to search content based on subject, title, document type, and more.